• Rising Cricket Star

          • Ezekiel Romain

             Congratulations to Ezekiel Romain for making the North Zone Under 13 cricket squad🏆💯💥 It is a great accomplishment considering he had to compete against Fatima, CIC, QRC and other top players from schools in the North Zone to make it in the 14 man squad! Congratulations to his coach, Mr. Devindranath Jaglal

          • Cricket Returns To Diegosec

          • Our Under 16 boys lost their first match against CIC B. Our team was in trouble losing 6 early wickets for 11 runs but a spirited performance led by young Cavani Arneaud of 1.1 with the bat, well supported by Josiah George of 2.1 and Ezeakiel Romain of 1.3 were able to give Diego Martin Central Secondary a total of 57 runs all out. CIC B were able to successfully achieve the total. The boys along with the support staff of the team were really happy for the overwhelming support from the Diego Sec family. NB Last time, Diego Martin Central Secondary hosted a cricket match on their school's grounds was in 1991, which was 33 years ago, so it was a momentous occasion for everyone Thank you all for your support🙏🏼 Allan Jaglal (Cricket Coordinator)

          • Diegosec Dancers and Drummers at Bagatelle Community Centre

          • On Wednesday 29th November, 2023, Dancers and Drummers represented the school at the recently concluded seminar for mental health and support for men and boys. Teachers Mrs. De Souza-Phillip and Ms. Nicole Phillips accompanied the students during their performance.

          • Diegosec Netballers

          • Congratulations

            On the 14th November, 2023 at the National Secondary School's Netball Finals in Point Fortin:

            DMCS placed 3rd in the Girls U13 category

            DMCS boys placed 2nd in the boys U13 open (shooting competition) and

            Josiah Rodriguez got 1st place in the Individual category of the National U13 boys shooting 

            The Next day, 15th November, 2023, the U 15 girls netball team won their competition.

            The coach for the teams is  P.E. Teacher Nicole Phillips.

          • ID Cards

          • Dear Parents/Guardian

            Our school is in the process of implementing an integrated online school base management system. With this system the school would now be in a position to better manage our resources and to provide a more efficient and reliable service to our stakeholders including you our parents.

            Integral to this system is the implementation of an online Parent Portal. This portal, provides secure access to your child’s academic reports, registration bio-data and most importantly the child’s attendance data in real time whereby you can track your child’s attendance on a daily basis. Additionally, in the very near future we hope to include an alert system whereby you can be alerted via SMS or email in the event that your child do not sign in for school within a particular time frame.

            The pilot phase has been successfully completed and we are in the process of full implementation. For this purpose it is important that all students be in possession of our RFID card which allows them to sign in at the gate and be positively identified by officers for security reasons.

            At this point in time there are a number of students still without cards although numerous correspondence has been sent out.  It must be noted that on Wednesday 15th November, the photographer and system consultant would be at the school to finalize this process.

            Please note that students without photo IDs would be required to have their photos taken and a new card would be generated at a cost of $150.00. For those students with the older IDs can have them upgraded at a cost of $60.00. Whatever the option selected it is imperative to note that all students MUST have their ID cards within the next two weeks and scan in at the gate on entrance. This would allow us to finalize our end of term reports and submit the necessary attendance data to the Ministry of Education in a timely and professional manner.

            For those parents who have already complied we thank you very much and look forward to your continued support in the digital transformation of the school which would only redound to the benefit of your child.

            Subsequent to this email another email would be forth coming to all parents of form two to form 6 students with the instructions for gaining access to your portal.

          • Birth of this web page

          • Web page of our school is finally on the internet. You will find here a lot of functionality and interesting information. List of students, classes, teachers, timetables, substitution, and other data.